I was born in Budapest in 1981. The mystery of self-expression and creation meant a lot to me from my early childhood. Presenting the divine and intangible part of the human being, without words. In the beginnings the Hungarian folk dance was present in my life. Later on I have discovered other "languages" such as writing which became dominant. It's the reason of my degree in Communication too. I started to publish my texts on cultural portals. I have travelled the world on my own trying to get to know different cultures. I'm continuously "placing" myself over cultures and continents tryining to determine my position in this planet. I'm travelling around the World as much as possible observing people and cultures. But in fact, I'm not a tourist. The tourists likes comfort. They pay for organised trips getting a fancy "pictures" of the World. They make 120 pics in 5 days as a part of an uniformed experience and are satisfied and happy in their all inclusive five-star hotel room. The traveller discovers the world alone being the chief of the trip, following own wishes and being part of the behind-the-scene, not concentrated in 10 days! The traveller is driven by a genuine desire to learn about the place and the culture. The traveller knows that the goal during the worldwide trip is to learn the Earth's real face. I'm a traveller.